in Planung
[Hybrid] Berlin und online
in Planung
Für die Registrierung der Teilnehmenden nutzen wir Microsoft Forms. Bitte lesen Sie vor einer Anmeldung unsere
sowie unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Workshops.
The focus of this workshop is on conducting Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in accordance with the methods
and standards defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO 14040). This methodology provides
useful information on a product’s life cycle impact on the environment, hence strategic to making decisions
about design, policy, acquisition, and corporate strategy. From this training, technical know-how, based on
research and knowledge in this quick-evolving area of circularity is provided through a case study using OpenLCA tool.
The structure is a hybrid form (both online and on-site), where lectures, case study demonstrations, exercises
and discussions will be the mode of learning.
Participants will:
Understand the E-LCA perspective and its applications
Know how to obtain/access and analyse inventory data for E-LCA with openLCA
Explore methodologies for assessing and quantifying environmental impacts
Obtain hands-on experience in setting up new processes in a model and interpreting the outcomes
It is also an opportunity to network with others, share experiences, build a community of support and practice,
and apply this in "real-world situations"